Our Projects – Residential

5-Storey Apartments with Swimming PoolCLICK TO VIEW MORE

18-Storey Citylights Gardens Condominium Phase 2CLICK TO VIEW MORE

8 Terrace Houses at Jalan NiraCLICK TO VIEW MORE

6 Terrace Houses at Harvey AvenueCLICK TO VIEW MORE

Alterations & Additions to a 2-Storey with Attic Good Class BungalowCLICK TO VIEW MORE

2-Storey BungalowCLICK TO VIEW MORE

2-Storey Semi-Detached HouseCLICK TO VIEW MORE

2-Storey Good Class BungalowCLICK TO VIEW MORE

Alterations & Additions to a 3-Storey Semi-Detached HouseCLICK TO VIEW MORE

2-Storey Bungalow with AtticCLICK TO VIEW MORE

Alterations & Additions to a 2-Storey Semi-Detached House with AtticCLICK TO VIEW MORE

Alterations & Additions to a Conservation ShophouseCLICK TO VIEW MORE

Upgrading Works to Fontana Heights Condominium, Mount Sinai RiseCLICK TO VIEW MORE

Reconstruction to a 2-Storey with Attic Good Class BungalowCLICK TO VIEW MORE