Basic Services
Full Scope of Service comprise Stages 0 to 6. Click on the boxes below for details of each stage.
Pre-Design Site Analysis & Research
Prior to commencing design, we typically do research into the physical and regulatory constraints, check the history of the site and the site potential.
Schematic Design
We will help our client establish the design brief, a realistic budget and realistic time-frame, explore design options until our client is sure what he or she wants, and submit the agreed proposal typically to the Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), Public Utilities Board (PUB), NEA Development Control & Licensing Department (DCLD), Land Transport Authority (LTA) and National Parks Board (NPB) for Development Control Clearance. Some projects may require submissions to other authorities in addition to these.
Design Development
We will develop the agreed design and details together with the Other Consultants, and submit the agreed proposal typically to the Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Fire Safety and Shelter Department (FSSD), PUB (Internal Drainage), DCLD (Environmental Health & Pollution Control), Singapore Civil Defence Force (SCDF) and NPB for Building Plan Clearance. Some projects may require submissions to other authorities in addition to these. As we develop the design, the QS will prepare a pre-tender estimate to ensure the budget is not exceeded.
We will prepare tender general arrangement and detail drawings, and tender documents, together with the Other Consultants.
We will also advise our client on the most appropriate procurement method based on our client’s priorities, and the appropriate Form of Contract to use to minimise our client’s risks, and advise our client on the selection of tenderers.
We will call tenders, evaluate and award the building contract on our client’s behalf.
Contract Administration
We will carry out site inspections, check the Contractor’s samples and shop drawings, conduct site meetings, certify the value of work done for the purpose of payment to the Contractor, etc. We typically visit the site at least once a week, but it may be more frequent when necessary.
Final Completion
We will prepare as-built drawings, apply to BCA, URA, FSSD, PUB, DCLD, LTA & NPB for the relevant clearances for the Temporary Occupation Permit (TOP) and/or the Certificate of Statutory Completion (CSC) .
At the end of the project we will typically provide our client with a CD of all the as-built drawings, authority approvals, and Contractor’s warranties.